Cars Companies Keep Information To Themselves Away From Tech Companies
Tesla, Google and Apple are a few of the tech companies that have begun to work with car companies to create new automotive technologies. However when the situation is about profit how close can the companies get when it comes to information. Carmakers are limiting the data they share with…
GM Electrifies The Market With Their New Cars
The automotive market has recently focused on creating electric hybrid cars and self-driving cars. General Motor’s new selection of cars targets several different markets with the new hybrid vehicles. General Motors has mapped out a comprehensive electrification strategy that includes a reinvented 2016 Volt plug-in hybrid, a 2016 Malibu hybrid,…
Is 90% of air pollution caused by 25% of cars?
A study conducted at the University of Toronto in Canada indicates that yes, the majority of automotive pollutants are coming from a very small number of vehicles and the result is premature deaths from breathing the harmful substances. To examine the emissions of 100,000 vehicles, the researchers used a technique…
What Does That Weird Noise Coming From Your Car Mean?
When your car isn’t working the way it should, it will tell you by reacting differently and creating different sounds. Are you listening to what your car is trying to tell you? By figuring out what the sound is and what it means, you will be able to solve your…
Precautions for Driving in Rain Showers
Driving in the rain is difficult. Accidents increase by 203% as soon as precipitation appears. Driving safely in rainy conditions requires caution and careful driving. The tips below will help with this. Safety starts before you drive, and your goal should be to see and be seen. Replace windshield wiper…
Precautions for Driving in Rain Showers
Driving in the rain is difficult. Accidents increase by 203% as soon as precipitation appears. Driving safely in rainy conditions requires caution and careful driving. The tips below will help with this. Safety starts before you drive, and your goal should be to see and be seen. Replace windshield wiper…